Our work is about words
What about yours?
Yes, please send me a quote.
Call us at +31 20 514 15 60 or start here
No matter what line of business you’re in, it all starts with words: words which inspire, words that turn your ideas into action.
Translation agency The Language Lab gets your point across the way you intended – at home and in the rest of the world. We’re proud to say our translations have been striking the right tone since 1993.
Contact us and try our services: we’d like to show you that we can find the right tone in the right language for your project too.
Our work is all about words. What can we do for you?
If you want to speak to a human, call us on +31 20 5141560
or send an email: mail@languagelab.nl
The translation market tends to be a mixed bag, and your project is more likely than not to end up in the hands of well-intentioned amateurs. More's the pity, as you only get one chance to make a first impression. Always hire professionals to ensure a high-quality translation. What matters is that your message is communicated and does not – quite literally – get lost in translation.
As a modern translation agency, we use a variety of sophisticated tools such as translation memories, which ensure consistency in style and terminology. But translation work is still a very human process. It involves carefully choosing your words and also playing with them until you’ve got exactly the right tone – the right tone in the right language.
Our translation agency is ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 certified.
The Language Lab is a member of the Vereniging van Vertaalbureaus in Nederland (Dutch Association of Translation Agencies/VViN), the largest organisation of translation agencies in the Netherlands.
We employ a team of passionate in-house language professionals, each with their own specialization. They are backed up by a wide network of carefully selected freelance translators and editors. Together we provide the best possible translation of your texts.
+31 20 5141560