Copywriting in Fremdsprachen

Writing a clear and engaging text requires skill and finesse. A copywriter must be able to understand the client’s often complex subject matter and produce a smooth and well-written text in the target language.

In addition to translating advertisements, The Language Lab regularly provides original advertising copy in various languages. Nowadays, many Dutch businesses produce their promotional materials in English. Most Dutch advertising agencies can't offer any assistance in this area - but at The Language Lab, we can.


We work with a team of experienced international copywriters who give your text the polish they deserve.

Questions about copywriting

Please contact one of our project managers for further information about our copywriters and our copywriting services in languages other than Dutch: +31 (0)20 5141560. Alternatively, please send an email to:

If you prefer to write your own English-language texts, you can also use our practical style guide free of charge: English-Language Writing Guide.

Copywriting in Fremdsprachen?

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